first of all, i present to you a picture that will make you drool till you dehydrate. hehehehe >:D


me and le bepday girlsss. dua² gorgeous. yang paling kiri tu jak bikin spoil =='

we celebrated their birthday at KFC on 17th of April. i fell asleep and arrived pretty late, but i managed to eat 4 pieces of chicken. yayyy meee! hopefully i'll gain weight. hahahaha >:D

so let the pictures tell the story :)

stuck between two pretty girls, and im there. letting insecurities take over. =='

birthday girls :D

so here's the awkward face of mine. O_e sorry, it's such a disturbing sight.

we went straight to pergi makan eskrim nie lepas tu. hahahaha. paling awesome. desert kunun, maka nda tahan suda bah perut tlmpau kenyang ayam :p

ya bah, tau juga kami yg kamiurg godoot :P

wajah-wajah ketidaksabaran menunggu ice-cream datang menjelma. cewah :P

mau jua nie tayang strawberry. mueheheheheh! :P

dua² sy punya! kalau boleh, mau empat lg minum satu kali. hahahahhaa :D

sorry la, sy nie tida lawa jua mcm diurang, tapi happy birthday Chymel and Fa! hahahaha :D

1 comment:

  1. thanks epop, now i can always see my 17th birthday party ;)
