Allah selamat kan diorang!

my aunt was preparing the cake. i dont know what flavor that cake is. hahaha! i forgot but surely it was yummmmmmy! it was cousin Nani's sweet 14. plusss we celebrated together the Mother's Day. i know it was kinda late but my grandma just came back from Selangor. you may think it is very very very the late late to celebrate Mother's Day since i posted it few weeks from the occasion. hahaha! the real date of this event was during the Wesak Day. if i recall it was on 17th of May. i did not managed to update my blogger since i usually online via handphone. its kinda stupid to update blog from a phone as i have many things to share plus the pictures! 

 here's the Wesak girl. i meannnnn birthday girl. LOL. her cake was the white one. isnt it cute? plus her mother baked that. i didnt realize that she was surrounded by her siblings when they were singing the birthday song. yeah i mean surrounded that includes the blurry person who seemed to be walking. that's her older sister, cousin Azza.

 the MOTHER'S DAY VERSION. the blueberry cake. the woman in khaki color is my beloved granma who had just came back from Selangor. the woman next to her is cousin Azza's grandma.

  im sorry cause there was a video of us singing "Allah Selamatkan Kamu" for the golongan mother but thank blogger because "Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is broken: 3" i've uploaded it for the third times but the result is still the same. maybe it is a blessing in disguise since cousin Azza was singing out loud my phone almost explode as i was recording. thank goodness it didnt pop-up something like "Self Destructing in 10seconds". LOL.

those ladies were sitting around watching butts. :P LOL! JK! i guess they were watching TV at that time. or probably waiting for the cake. and hell-oooooo, the person in blue is not ladies okay! he's my cousin. well, im not really close to him since he had stayed in MRSM for a long time. he had passed his SPM examination with flying colors. and by flying colors i mean, 9A+. isnt that great? ooooh, how i want to be like him! T,T


here's me and my beloved grandma. aaaand i love my grandma!

 my cousins with grandma. ooh ya, btw, i didnt came to this birthday party+mothers day with my mom. cousin Fatin (the white shirt girl) drove us there. she's 18 and already possess a driving license. i went there earlier before my mom because she was busy buying gift for Cousin Nani. Cousin Fatin and cousin Sarah (yellow shirt girl) picked me up at home.

 cousin Sarah and cousin Tika eatinggg soto! i guess it was cousin Sarah's 2nd round of eating. dude, she's a food lover. seriously!

oke i know i sneaked in the kitchen. hahahahha! because i was extremely boring. plus there's food in the kitchen. heyy, its KITCHEN! why wouldnt there be a food down there. :P

here's Cousin Azza aaand that is sooo not her baby. that is Cousin Fatin's daughter, Lulu Rayhana. that means she is my niece. wiuuuh, im an aunt. a bad ass aunt? nope! cuteeee aunt! :P

what do you guys call this? awesome? :P

 noticed us? HAHA! we were trying on my aunt's shoes. she has a lot of shoes mainly because teachers need to style themselves when going to school. :P
im sorry for the tidak-sedap-dipandang-pose. HAHAHA!

what i was wearing (except for the footwear okay!)
Teluk Intan shirt, Adidas Jeans, Gucci Watch, Gift Bracelet (Ayu bought it in Mekah), Pashmina Scarf.
 (simple, isnt it?) ;)

-the end-

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